Take The Sample IQ Test
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Your Intelligence?
Take our FREE and FUN sample IQ test and Get Hired For The Wage You Deserve.
You will have 15 minutes to complete this sample IQ test. The test cannot be paused. Answer as many questions correctly during that time to achieve the best score. If you do not know the answer, you can skip to the next question without penalty. You can also use the “Get Hint” option five times per test. Your score will immediately appear in your profile following the test. The questions in this sample test are like the questions in the 45-minute IQ test. For your IQ score to be searchable by employers, you must take the full 45-minute IQ test offered by Hire by IQ.
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Surprising as it may seem, the predictive power of tests for job performance lies almost completely in their ability to measure the most general form of cognitive ability, g, and has little to do with their ability to measure aptitude or knowledge for a particular job.
Did You Know?
Proficiency in most common civilian and military occupations can be predicted by IQ… The more demanding a job is cognitively, the more
predictive power such a test has… For the job market as a whole, cognitive ability predicts
proficiency better than any other known variable describing an individual, including educational level. Intelligence tests are usually more
predictive of proficiency than are
pencil-and-paper tests that are specifically based on a job’s activities.
Get Started With Basic Questions!
Which Circle Does Not Follow The Same Rules As The Others?
Over 1M Companies Hire Based On Intelligence.
One notable finding is that the correlation between IQ and job status is just about as high if the IQ test is given in childhood, decades before people enter the job market, as it is among young adults who are taking an intelligence test after years of education.
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The quotes above are from The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray.